Sunday, March 31, 2013

Yes it has been awhile since my last entry.  Have been experiencing some difficulty with my RSD/CRPS1.  Perhaps is not the correct word.  I cannot and will not fight my condition or allow it to take hold of my inner Spirit.  Although the physical body may fall into weakness my Spirit cannot be denied.  These past several days I have been to the point of despair however, I continued my struggle and maintained my strength.  The onset of my extreme pain was caused do to Easter.  Some might be wondering how could Easter cause you Pain.  Well, its simple really.  I normally make works of Art for my family every year.  The past four years I have not completed a single piece.  Music, Poetry, and Art move my being.  So I decided to give it a try.  Should I say more.  I caused myself the onslaught of intense pain that it took me to higher ground.  With many tears of pain and desperation I continued and began weeping tears of joy and laughter for my soul still sings songs of joy, hope and love for others.  With these hands which have been given to me by my Lord my music flowed with harps of fingers gold.  With silver threads spun from Heaven my art began to form.  With every pearl that formed within my eyes droplets of Love began to fall.  Though I quake beneath the Burn of Pain and my mind begins to play its games I close my eyes and see that this is the way.  To those who endure pain no matter what the cause know this, there is beauty and hope we must just endure and have Faith.

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