Tuesday, March 19, 2013

From the beginning of my start with RSD/CRPS1.

As I stared at the Hearts of the Red, White and Blue servants I couldn't believe what sound of crazed clucking chickens we sounded like.  With utter confusion they fluttered, flopped and clucked in chaos.  The Princess knew better then to ask.  However, as the commotion grew so did the inferno clucking.  The Princess had the voice as sweet as rain upon Cherry Blossoms in the Spring.  The Princess sang her sweet song and requested a moments time, " My Hearts of the Red, White, and Blue who has clucked you in the head."  With a peep, and a cluck the response did come.  One of the Hearts opened her eyes as wide as can be and opened her thin lizard like lips.  "It came from the Night Owls did you not hear?  The Bobble Head Master is now endeared."  The Princess sweet puckered like lips went to a smile as she wondered which Sheep(prey).  The Princess composed herself and sang sweetly to her Hearts of which she was one.  " We must not cluck of things which come in the Dark for Heads may roll having loose lips."  The Hearts stared at the Princess and went to respond when without warning came the Blonde Headed Rat.  All Hearts turned and looked with surprise for they were almost caught with their underwear down.  One must be clever not to be caught when clucking of things that the Masters do in the dark.

For those that read, I write in code so those that harmed me may not know.  Will continue tomorrow.

I ponder my broken right side and have come to a conclusion that all is not lost.  For my Lord has granted me a new passage in Life that I must follow.  He has given me two legs, two arms, two hands and compassion for others that suffer many other injuries.  My Red Screamn Dragon must not and cannot be who I have become.  He has given me this new window with purpose.  Although it is said that RSD/CRPS1 causes as much pain as those with cancer, I must be strong of mind and will.  For I only suffer from this injury those with cancer have a mortal battle.  My father has passed since my third surgery do to cancer a little over a year ago and not once did he complain.  He took his disease with the strength of a Super Hero not once giving up.  His statement of the morning was that "Everyday is a good day."  Words to live by.  I believe my father new he was dying but kept it from me until the end.  He new of my pain and he gave me strength, at times I laid by his side with his pain in my hand and mine in his.  Yes, everyday is a good day.  I must wear my badge and not complain but, smile for my Lord has chosen my path.  To behold the beauty that all his children are given, to understand that we are all different.  But, we all must remember no task is ever  a burden for we must decide if we will be weak or strong.  Like my Super Hero I choose to be Strong.  For those who suffer from any form of discomfort whether physical, mental or emotional be Strong.

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