Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday what a Glorious Day!  It's FREEZING!  Not good whether for my generator implant, it makes me very stiff like I need to be oiled like a machine Ha Ha Ha..  Anyway,  I went to see the Healer (Neuropsychologist) of wounds on Friday.  For those wondering what a Neuropsychologist is its the study of how the brain and nervous system affect how we function on a daily basis.  What a mouth full. 

Friday morning my husband and I set out at six in the morning Blah!  I didn't take my Magic Beans do to the fact that I would never be able to get up on time.  With flip and a flop I lunged myself up out of bed.  I headed down the incredible  hall of steps.  I went for the coffee pot and poured myself and my Love (bunches of Grapes) that's my Loves nickname a nice hot cup of Liquid comfort. I headed back up through the Hall of steps doing a balancing act. Plip, plop oh my the spots.  Oh well.  I sat in front of my Magic Mirror and propped  my elbow up on the stool and began to put my best face on.  When all was well we set out for my new appt.  Through out the drive I couldn't stop blabbering I guess my nervous had the best of me.  The closer I got I began to wonder what was a Neuropsychologist?  I guess I should have looked it up first, I knew it had to do with the brain and misfire of pain sensors in the brain do to physical injury.  To make  a long story short if there is ever such a thing with me!  I waited in the  waiting room only few minutes and the Healer came out and called us in.  He was tall, lean and had a full head of white snow upon his head which was collar length.  I sat down and he tried to make us feel comfortable.  He began with cracking jokes and doing a lot of smiling to break the ice.  Then it came the dreaded questions.  It began first with the injury to what parts, what kind of individual was I before my injury and how was I coping now.  The Healer stared at me and held my gaze.  I began to describe myself and he began to listen his face leaned in with interest.  As I spoke he began to ask me personal questions on how I view myself.  Need I say it all went to hell from there, tears began to flow without me knowing.  I remember stating I worried about others and not being a burden to them.  I cannot go into to much detail about the conversation at this time not because I don't want to open up.  But, because it is still to raw of a feeling which I want to distance myself from at this point until I can be logical and not emotional.  Remember I promised to make it short.

Jump into the bunny hole and follow me I will take you to a place where we can be happy for you and happy for me.  The Jolly Green Giant has placed a seed between my broken wing.  The seed grows from within what will it be?

Red Screamn Dragon(RSD) begins to sing to me for now I must go and see you in my dreams.

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