Sunday, March 3, 2013

I come to you with my eyes glazed over and my eyelids heavy.  My mind soars with the gulls in the tormented sea.  The wind surrounds me and gives me flight.  I catch the wind beneath my wings and glide above the oceans kiss.  My face is brushed ever so gently and heavenly by the seagulls cry.  As the oceans fingers reach out to me my body comes crashing down into the bottom of its' inner soul.  For a moment and just only a moment I am in despair.  Lost beneath the blackness of its' world my breath is taken away.  Come to me he calls out from within the darkness.  I try to focus and compose myself.  His song becomes stronger and I search for him.  I give myself to him and I see.  His strength grabs hold of my tired self.  He holds me and I surrender myself to him.  I am soothed to sleep by the rocking of his motion and I break free.  I have come to a world where all is possible.  My fingers are no longer tied to its painful state of being entwined, my arm no longer lays tight against my side. the shoulder which hangs like an uneven shelf is no more, my neck is no longer stiff so that I may reach for a kiss, my shoulder blade no longer protrudes like a broken wing and my hip where my generator is implanted no longer aches.  But, then it comes (Red Screamn Dragon) RSD and it brings me back to you.  I raise my eyes and look at my reflection and I smile for I see that I am beautiful.  I will be posting myself portrait tomorrow with much joy I reclaim the person that I was and who I have become.  Please excuse any blabbering mistakes for it is time for this being of God to slumber in sweet peace until tomorrow.

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