Monday, August 19, 2013


Her graceful legs landed on the clearing with precise placement.  Her long graceful neck tilted upwards towards her Moon God.  She wiggled her perfect ears and relaxed her stance.  Gently her lush eyelashes swept upwards exposing her beautiful brown eyes.  The silver thread from the Moon played against her caramel coat.  She quivered in the evening dew, sighing her legs gently buckled bringing her to the nestled blades.  Oh so carefully she laid her head upon the earth where slumber greeted her peacefully.

She dreamt of dreams long past, confusion in the mist.  Turmoil, chaos, and guilt.  Snake like tendrils wrapped themselves around her, slowly suffocating her inner soul.  Her heart beat wildly trying to pull away from the horrible tendrils that traveled in a fluid consistency.  "Run" she heard it say.  "Run."  Within her dream state she rose to her true form and clawed her way out and ran. "Yes" it hissed taunting her.  As she ran swirls of mist engulfed her every route to escape the thing from within.  Her fist sized heart beat hard against her chest taking her breath away.  She took her slender arms and reached upwards towards her short cropped hair.  Dark black eyeliner streaked down her pale face.  "RUN!" Came the voice no longer hissing.  But, then it came.  Time stood still, no longer did tears sting her flesh.  No, no longer did her heart beat violently trying to escape. No.  She stood upon the darkened earth and with one breath she stilled herself.  Waves of emotion caressed her warm naked self.  She knew then.  She wrapped her arms around the mist and breathed them in, they where hers' after all.  As they became one the light broke through the dark and opened the gates of sand.

Her limbs gave way, no longer where they flesh, velvet or caramel fur.  Her arms became engulfed with beautiful white sleeves, her legs awkward on land became webbed and wonderful.  Her neck narrow, elegant curved in a perfect ring.  Her head so different, so pretty, so dainty, was not to be out shined by any other.  She received the call of the Heavens and took flight to the Moon and kissed him so sweetly upon his lips.

Only you can forgive your own transgressions.  Take hold of them, embrace them.  Freedom is the truth.

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