Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Book

Through the blur she sailed becoming one with the surrounding Silk.  All beauty she beheld through wondrous eyes.  Her diamond armor shimmered in the blur of golden light.  Her limbs now transformed melted away into one with the showering waves. 

The Silk warmed beneath the Sun God wavered a loving smile.  He rocked softly lapping the shore with his caress.  His loving fingers wet and warm reach the surface of lands dear homes.  He laid his love upon the grass with kindness which had been passed.  Upon his fingers did he feel the pain of words which  could not be healed.  His fingers splayed from this ordeal began to wither here.  A sour taste rose within him for words of ignorance which came to pass.  For those that judge in Gods true light, that wield the Book in their own delight, He forgave us all with his own red blood.  We all belong, who are we to judge. Let the Maker sort things out.  Hold your tongues for those that hate, spread the Love with a kiss of Faith.

His fingers wet and warm retreated back to their home.  His lapping waves reached shore no more.

With breath that could not be taken she dove deeply and descended.  All received her with open glees, hearts that rang out through the sea.


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