Friday, August 16, 2013

To be inspired. . . to drink from the flowing springs.  To walk above the gentlest blades of dew kissed grass.  To feel the wind speaking to the trees.  To have my almond brown eyes sting from the harsh glow of the burning Sun God.  My nose flares with the touch of sweetness from the honeysuckles in the damp summer night. To have my pale skin glisten in  the light of our moon.   My eyes close ever so slowly and I am one with her. 

The tingling in my nose begins to twitch, how funny it should feel to have ones nose twitch.  My ears begin to swivel amplifying the singing of the luscious black crickets in the weeds.  My skin which is covered in such plush velvety fur has become sleek at the sound of the endless crying at a distance.  I open my doe like eyes and see the beauty of the Moon God.  Oh what splendor, what gifts has he bestowed upon the human children.  Such innocence which we easily throw away.  Take hold of the beauty, look deeply within the earth.  My heart begins to flutter quickly with the flicker of the Fairies wings.  They flicker here and there between the Glories of the night and my excitement grows within me to run free.  With the flickering of my tiny heart I spring forward with such immense power.  I glide through the air his fingers running through my velvet self.  The music flows with electricity through my body as my powerful Goodlucks fall upon the blades.  I leap up in the air and feel as if I have kissed the Moon its self.  I have been freed.  I  leap and dance with the fairies of the night. I kick, leap and jolt myself through the forest I am free.  I hear the laughter in me.  Just be.  Why walk when one can run. 

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