Monday, February 11, 2013

Can you say anything is possible?  I say all things are possible.  I wrestled with the magic box (my mind)  the turmoil between going outside in the blanket of white snow.  It called to me in someway  I don't know if it was taunting me, mocking me knowing my affliction (RSD whom I lovingly named my Red Screamn Dragon).  The beauty of its newly fallen kiss upon the saddened bristled grass was  received so sweetly.  My soul rang through the trees singing the glory of the life which I had wished for.  Snow, beautiful, a gift from nature which brings light through the grey days of winter.  I look through my stained glass windows of my prison.  My body stiffened and tenses at the thought of venturing into it.  The tension so tight my body begins to ache.  Red Screamn Dragon begins to fill my magic box with doubt.  "How will you make it down the ice kissed steps?" it hisses.  I shake at the thought of one miss step which could cause a fall.  A fall would mean my generator which is inserted in the right side of hip would undoubted move or worse break causing a possible inward fire.  It speaks again " Its cold your body will become stiff and I will cause you pain."  mockingly he digs his talons into my arm and shoulder blade.  I gasp and lower my head.  The blanket of white calls to me.  Its whispers in my ear. "Come to me and we will play."  To play to be carefree, to not worry about movements which to others are normal.  I take the advise that someone gave me. " Its your life live it."  Well here I go.  My Bucket List, Snow Angel.  Yep, I want to make a Snow Angel.  I know it sounds so simple.  But, only one problem getting back up.  Yes, that's my problem.  I'll figure it out.  Lets go outside.  I went outside with my sweat pants and jacket.  Can't wear a coat to heavy I would be walking around like some over stuffed polar bear.  I ventured out and breathed in the chilling air.  It was exuberant.  I giggled I made it outside on my own.  I hike through the snow with my Staff (cane).  I find the perfect spot and then I stop.  This is it I tell myself get down.  I take a deep breath and lower myself to the blanket.  I bring my head down to my chest and lay down.  I extend my arms out and close my eyes.  The sounds of the birds take me away the touch of the blanket felt cold yet, somehow comforting.  Strange my body became relaxed and weak.  The longer I laid upon the ground the more I felt like I was becoming part of the blanket.  Then from somewhere I could here my Love saying "get up."  But, I could not.  I did not want to.  Again his voice piercing "GET UP!"  I want to but, I can't move.  My implant at the base of neck which is connected to my spine seemed frozen.  I just laid there and then I felt my body being lifted.  I did it.  I had made my Snow Angel.  I did it.  I stare at it from a distance and feel proud.  She is not a perfect Angel but never the less it's My Angel.  All is possible thank you. 

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