Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Where Have I Been?

Where have I been?  Oh my dearest bloggers it has been so long.  I have been to Hell and to HEAVEN.  I thank all those who have befriended me as well as thank those that have read my blog and have supported my emotional poetry of my RSD/CRPS1.  I apologize for the inconvenience that I may have caused to those who expected my blog to be updated on a regular bases.  However, in my search for my truth, I have come to realize that the truth has been in front of me all this time.  I have transformed and will continue to do so for without growth we are nothing.  In my journey of looking forward I have had to go backwards to rediscover myself.  I have taken the best parts of me that were, I then brought them forward towards the present and combined them with the best of me today.  Here I am today.  Who am I?  I am who I was meant to be.  Sounds complicated or perhaps lacking in explanation.  But, in truth its very simple.  I am more than just a girl with RSD/CRPS1, I have brought forward the spiritual sensitive individual that I have always been, as well as the artist that lives within me.  What is a spiritual sensitive? To put it simply,  I have always since at the age of seven been connected to what I call parallel world.  I know this sounds impossible, strange or of course unbelievable.  I am not here to convince anyone or debate the issue.  I am here to perhaps open minds of those whose minds are closed as well as give hope to those that are in search of Heaven as well as Hell.  Do I have physical proof ? Is there such a thing? Well, I guess to a certain point I do (which I will get into later).  Just keep in mind is there such a thing as coincidence?  When does it stop becoming a coincidence? Have I traveled to HEAVEN?  One word is all it takes, YES.  I am not speaking in times of  acts of my medication or my moments of severe pain, but in the days when RSD/CRPS1 had not entered the scene.  We are speaking many years ago.  Have I forgotten the experience? No.  I just didn't know what to do with it.  Have I spoken about? Yes.  To family.  Then there is Hell.  A topic all together different.  Where the things that slither in the dark come from,  where the dark masses form and take shape and whisper in your mind ( will discuss at a later point).
Art, the beauty that sings from within me. The song that leaps and dances with the Angels.  To become one with heart and soul where the two meet and kiss so sweetly.  To sail among the tallest trees and have your body smile so freely.  This is where I have been.  I am whole, the girl with RSD/CRPS1, Spiritually Sensitive and Artist.  I am here.  Welcome Home.

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