Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The sun shines bright upon my pale cheek.  No kisses to be given outside, the breeze rides on a chilled glistened carpet.  I sit in  my rocking chair that has comforted my children in the past, which now comforts me.  With every sway of my chair I smile from within which reflects on my outer self.  Well Hello, my Red Screamn Dragon let me bring you some peace.  Let us sit together and I shall comfort you.  Although those around you have no perception of your pain I can feel you.  Today I take you in my arms and cradle you, hush now.  The sun shines all so bright as the fire that burns inside of you.  Together we are embraced as one let us sit and see the day.  Engulfed together we are, I shall except you for you were given to me.  Child like you scream at me and rip my body to pieces, my mind straining to keep the patience that I seek.  Now, now my Dragon calm yourself down.  The children are in school all my attention is for you.

I have begun to research the topic if a Service Dog for my RSD/CRPS1.  At the moment I still am not able to really pursue this because of my living situation.  After my third surgery my family and I moved in with the my mother.  However, in the near future I will be purchasing a home once again.  Then I will be able to follow through with this goal.  Why the Service Dog well, as most of you know I LOVE that outdoors, but since my surgeries things have not progressed how I wanted them to.  I am very dependent of my husband and children.  I need to be able to go about my business with safety in mind and become somewhat independent.  Since  I am home alone I need to be able to go for walks in the woods (or just plain walking), shopping (can't carry my own bags, or getting to my wallet takes forever).  My husband and children are in agreement with me.  However, the rest of the family I dare not discuss the topic for fear of them not understanding.  So I take this time to make sure I research this very carefully and obtain the correct information I need.  If anyone has any advise please contact me.  Living with RSD/CRPS1

Patience is nurtured and can be found inside of us all.  I have patience for others and understanding, now it is time to have patience for myself.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Today the sun shines light upon us, its rays so deeply golden.  My pale alabaster skin smiles from its golden kiss.  Smile for today is glorious.  My eyes search among the trees to find the melody.  Sweet songs fill my ears bringing about the joy I want to hear.  My body stretches tall and thin wavering to its melody.  Thin and thinner I have become like sugar spun threads from an artist thumb.  My body of silver threads wisp away to the breeze.  Dancing diamonds glisten right through me.  I laugh and giggle with birds inside me. Oh how their feathers tickle me! Soft and subtle I can see the wings of those that surround me. Tip to tip they soar so close inviting me.  Excitement calls of glee ring through the breeze and we are free.  I sing so loud that my heart has broke!  They swarm towards my body thin and take pieces to their beaks.  Intensely they fly to the ground and bring the sugar pieces to be found.  Among the ground I remain until the red fire ants come to play.  With a nip and a tuck they rebuild fine sugar threads. Little soldiers that are at play.  What a beautiful day!  Living with RSD/CRPS 1.