Friday, September 13, 2013

To Do?

She sits from above upon a cloud of woven gold.  Her hair dark as a storm bristles as a tempest storm.  Her eyes of steam coal dart back and forth upon the sight she beholds and she rumbles with anger upon the golden cloud.

From beneath  her thrown humanity sits with black covered glasses.  What is the meaning of Good?
"To do good "is such a blanketed statement.  As we idly sit back and go through Life numb to feelings of others.  To not say or do anything that may cause us discomfort in itself must be a sin.  Perhaps it may sound to harsh?  However, she has been pondering this human race of on lookers and those that wear blinders upon their beautifully curved noses.  What is it to be good?  Is it to turn the other way or as it is said "to turn the other cheek?". 

As the young woman parks her car in the Handicapped section of the parking lot she notices bright orange cones being placed behind her red chariot.  To her dismay she wonders what is wrong.  Her disabled sign is visible in its bright blue beam upon the chariot.   A gentleman approaches her red chariot and states that she cannot park in this area.  Surprised, she tells him that she is disabled and needs park close to the building to pick up her 10 year child from school.  He apologizes and says that since those without disabled plates park in those sections they cannot police the area.  She courteously explains that is not her concern.  He states that since they cannot control those who park there that they cannot be responsible for those sections, so therefore, they were going to block off the section so no one could park there.  The young woman did not argue the case but shied away excepting and understanding the mans plight.  The next day the young woman used her walker with the support of her older son and walked to pick up her son.  Several blocks away she finally makes it to the school and realized that the handicapped spots were taken.  Upon seeing this she searched for the individual whom had spoken to her.  She spotted him and summoned up the courage to confront the individual.  She strolled over  and apologized for the confrontation before hand.  After, a long civil discussion the man apologized that he had miss spoken his words.  Was he being Good ?  Should he at first looked with empathy at those the require to park in those select few handicapped spots?  Should he have bothered to remove those with no handicapped plates, so those who require them be able to use them?  Should she had been put under pressure to walk that walk? Should she had been put on the spot to speak about her disability and why she required her rightful spot?

To do good?  Does that mean to idly sit by and allow things to occur knowing that there are those in need.  To believe that if one turns the other cheek that all is good or perhaps not to defend ones human rights for those that are need. To be good is not just to stand by allow things to occur without a second thought.  It is not to turn a blind eye to another human being.  We are brothers and sisters and must respect one another as such.

The young women  readied herself and proceeded to school gym where open house was being held.  Realizing that there was only handful of chairs to sit in and all where taken she slowly weaved her way in and out of the standing room only towards the back of the gym.  With the support of her husband he gently lowered her to the hard gym floor to sit.  Eyes poured over as her posture began to falter.  Yet, no one came to her help.  No chair offered just a lot of  stares.  The young women lowered her head and continued to listen to the program.  Her husband not knowing what to do tried to support her emotionally and physically.  After, around 20 minutes an individual came to her rescue and obtained a chair from the janitorial closet.  The stranger helped my husband and myself in a time of need and I thank him.  To do good.  How many individuals does it take to show compassion?  How many can turn the other cheek?  A human life style of the me syndrome. To turn a blind eye once again.  To do good, what does that mean?

She sits upon the golden cloud and rose upon her feet.  No longer would she sit idly by observing. To do good one must take a stand and a stand she would take.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Look Within

She sat among the mossy spirals entwined between her thin long legs.  Her skin pale among the rich green carpet.  Her nude innocence laid among the soft pillows of golden light.  Eyes so deep as ebony, hair as dark as night and lips so red as cherries.  She laid there within her light.  Come to me he called the man with a thousand Brights, his song so merry and full of delight.  Her eyes remained deep among her crown of dark, no song so strong could lure her in.  His Brights sparkled with fierceness, his song not as sweet for all he longed for was a quick peek.  Her innocence laid firm among the earth, lovingly did she dwell among the mist.  The man with a thousand Brights continued to glare and glow, no answer to his growing weep.  "Rise" he boomed, to behold such beauty to feel such ecstasy, "Give me a view".  Her eyes dead to him didn't even give him a blink.  Swirls and whirls of greenery encompassed her every being, no longer born in paleness for him to seek.  His anger surfaced among the Blue sending vibrations all the way through.  In his anger he did not see the pale young thing was now a tree.  Her long thin legs grounded and strong, held her innocence covered and tall.  Her long thin arms pulled towards the skies, her fingers splayed had grown green and such a sight.  Her lips red as cherries bloomed just like berries.